Every industry... 




Whether you are wrapping your boat for storage or shipment, shrink wrapping provides the needed breathability to protect your valued investment. 


industrial & manufacturing

Wrapping protects against all in-climate weather, is waterproof, and can be ventilated to control and prevent damage to sensitive metals and electrical circuits.


scaffolding & containment

Regulate your workspace by removing the elements. Covers move and create dust, shrink wrapping stays in place with no chaffing. 

Protect your valuable cargo from salt erosion with an additional layer. Hawaii's level of salinity by the coast, in the air, and during ocean transit is high. 

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We use only the best in the business. 


As a trusted parter of Dr. Shrink, we employ and deliver the highest standards in shrink wrap application. From the finest yachts and cars to massive job sites, no job is to small or large when it comes to getting the job DONE RIGHT. 
